Friday, September 20, 2019

    In our schools, we use the Second Step Curriculum to directly teach social and academic skills to all the students, grades K-6. The things children learn about are:

·      How to be a learner
·      How to get along with others
·      How to handle thoughts and feelings
·      How to solve problems

I come into each classroom once a week and teach Second Step during Guidance Class. My lessons are active, fun and engaging. They include stories, and songs, role plays and skills practice. I send home “homelinks” for more learning. Teachers also follow through with these concepts throughout the week with their class. Topics are things like: Taking Responsibility, Showing You Care, Be Assertive, and Anxiety Management, etc.. Each year, the students build on these topics and deepen their learning in these areas.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Meet the School Counselor

I am Mrs. Ann O'Hearn and I am the School Counselor for both Samuel Morey and Westshire Elementary Schools.  What exactly does a school counselor do? A lot! The school counselor here teaches “Guidance Class” in every grade once a week for 30 minutes. I teach from a nationally recognized curriculum called Second Step. We cover the following topics: how to be kind and have empathy for others, how to make good choices, and how to solve social problems peacefully.

 School counselors also help children dry their tears when they feel sad, and they help with scary or stressful situations, such as a moving, separation or divorce, or illnesses or death in the family, for example. At school I also lead friendship groups for children to practice social skills. They enjoy the benefits of positive interaction in a small group setting. The school counselor is full of compliments, and helps children feel valued, special and lucky to be who they are. How to ask for help? Children can ask to visit the school counselor by asking their teacher or parent to set up an appointment for them, or children can ask me directly.

  LISTEN SUMMER CAMP SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM 2021   It’s that time again! Scholarships for a FREE ONE WEEK of SUMMER CAMP * for your child a...