Wednesday, January 13, 2021




It’s that time again! Scholarships for a FREE ONE WEEK of SUMMER CAMP * for your child are available this year from LISTEN, Inc. of Lebanon, NH.


Some camps are continuing to make plans/adjustments for COVID. However, this scholarship program is still happening. To Apply:


1.     Contact Guidance Counselor Ann O’Hearn to be added to her referral list. Ann’s contact info is:, or #802-333-4668, or #333-9755.


2.     After you are referred, LISTEN, Inc. will call you to schedule a phone meeting. They will ask you what camp you are interested in, or tell you what is available. Camps include VINS, Montshire, Open Acres, AVA Art Gallery, CCBA, Camp Downer, Green Mountain Conservation, and more! (You can ask for funds for any camp.)



CONTACT Mrs. O’Hearn today to be added to her referral list! A $250 value!


·      See attached USDA income requirement document for eligibility

Or be participating in any of the following programs:
Fuel assistance, Medicaid, Food Stamps, Homeless, Subsidized Housing, SSI, TANF, CSFP, Town Welfare

  LISTEN SUMMER CAMP SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM 2021   It’s that time again! Scholarships for a FREE ONE WEEK of SUMMER CAMP * for your child a...