Thursday, August 27, 2020

"The Social-Emotional Lives of our Students"


Counselor’s Corner

     As our children begin school they are going to be engaging in the return to some sense of normalcy. By returning to school, you should see their well-being increase. This week, I am writing to highlight some things that are going to happen that will probably boost your child’s happiness. First, participating in the routines and structure of the school day will be comforting and reassuring for children. Whatever your situation, check out the virtual page your child is learning on, and notice the things that happen day after day. Research shows that having rhythmic, repeated experiences help people feel safe and good. In particular, I think the daily getting together at Morning Meeting will be a welcoming, warm ritual that should really help your children.

     Another good thing that will be happening is that students will be getting back together socially. When children re-connect with important people in their lives such as teachers and friends, it’s a good thing. Having a strong social network just makes us healthier.

     The last thing I am learning about that helps kids during a crisis is having some time to reflect about what just happened. School assignments will be asking your kids to write about what their summer was like and how they feel about remote learning/hybrid learning formats. When kids are asked to share their experiences and think more deeply about their feelings, the benefit to them is that they will become more relaxed. The more self-reflective we are about what we are going through the better.  

     I look forward to re-connecting with everyone!



Mrs. Ann O’Hearn, School Counselor

RISD Elementary

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