Thursday, January 30, 2020

Image result for second step calm down poster
 Counselor’s Corner
“Managing Our Feelings”
In Guidance Classes, we are currently learning how to manage our feelings (through the Second Step program). The point is to notice how you feel throughout the day. At any one time, are you feeling happy, nervous, tired, angry, excited, confused??
         If you notice you feel uncomfortable, try to figure out how you are feeling. Try to name the feeling. Say it out loud or in your head. For example, “I feel nervous.
         Next, do something to calm down so you can feel better. Three things we learn and practice in class are do a belly breath, count, or say some positive self-talk to yourself like “I can do this!” or “It’s okay”.

Mrs. Ann O’Hearn

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Summer seems so far away, but once again it is time to think of sunny weather, long days and the LISTEN Summer Camp Scholarships. We can help your children receive a free week of summer camp through LISTEN Community Services if your child receives free or reduced school lunch! Campers need to be age 6-14 years old. Camps include, but are not limited to, Ava Art Gallery, the Montshire Museum, CCBA, Open Acres in Fairlee, VINS and many more!
To Apply:

1.  Step 1: Contact Ann O'Hearn, School Counselor, to be added to the referral list:, or by phone 802-333-9755, 802-333-4668. Call now! Space is limited in this program.
DEADLINE:  February 14!!

2. Step 2: You are not guaranteed a scholarship until you Call LISTEN Community Services at 1-603-448-4553 any time after February 14th to set up an appointment to select a camp.

Any questions? Contact Ann O'Hearn, School Counselor, at either RISD elementary school.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Second Step

Managing Emotions - Stop and Name Your Feeling

This January, we start learning all about managing strong emotions in all the elementary grades during Guidance Class. Children learn that we feel feelings in our bodies! When we are upset or worries, we may feel a tummy ache; when we are really angry, we may feel tense in our muscles and our hearts may beat faster/breathe faster; when we are anxious, we may feel sweaty. 
In addition to our bodies, our brains undergo a change too. Students learn that when we feel strong emotions, our brain "flips it's lid", and the thinking-part of our brain (frontal cortex) "goes offline". We learn a hand motion to show this transformation. 
Second Step provides music videos to teach students what to do when they have a strong emotion called the Calm-It-Down dance. The main thing to do when we recognize we feel uncomfortable is to stop and name your feeling, for example, "I feel angry!" (fill in the blank). The act of naming your feeling, either out loud or in your head, starts to get your thinking brain back online, and helps you regain control of your strong emotion and feel more in control.

  LISTEN SUMMER CAMP SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM 2021   It’s that time again! Scholarships for a FREE ONE WEEK of SUMMER CAMP * for your child a...