seems so far away, but once again it is time to think of sunny weather, long
days and the LISTEN Summer Camp Scholarships. We can help your
children receive a free week of summer camp through LISTEN Community Services
if your child receives free or reduced school lunch! Campers need to be age
6-14 years old. Camps include, but are not limited to, Ava Art Gallery, the
Montshire Museum, CCBA, Open Acres in Fairlee, VINS and many more!
To Apply:
1. Step 1: Contact
Ann O'Hearn, School Counselor, to be added to the referral list:, or by phone 802-333-9755, 802-333-4668. Call
now! Space is limited in this program.
DEADLINE: February 14!!
2. Step 2: You are not guaranteed a scholarship until you Call LISTEN
Community Services at 1-603-448-4553 any time after February 14th to
set up an appointment to select a camp.
Any questions? Contact Ann
O'Hearn, School Counselor, at either RISD elementary school.