Thursday, April 30, 2020

Puppy and Snail

Welcome to the Puppy and Snail puppet show!
Please enjoy your visit with Puppy and Snail this week.
Please click on the link below to get to the show:

Love, Mrs. O'Hearn,
 See you next week for more fun! Next week's topic: Relaxation!!

Friday, April 17, 2020

Hello K - 2 Students! This week's guidance lesson is about TEAMWORK. Please enjoy the following video:

I love the Sean the Sheep videos! They are made from Claymation, which means "clay + animation". The animals are made from clay, and then each scene is shot, then the pieces are moved, and the scene is shot again. Imagine the patience it takes to make a whole movie in this way!

This week's video clip is about TEAMWORK!
After you watch the video,

1. A question for you:

  • What do you think would have happened if Sean decided to do some of his own moves when they were underwater?
2. Please Read This

When we are a group, or a team, everyone has to do what is expected to make the end results great! If Sean would have done his own moves, he may have bumped into other sheep, or confused the other sheep. The performance would have had a hard time continuing, and also it would not have looked good as it did.

The morale of today's guidance lesson is that it is important when we are in a group to do what is expected of you. If everyone follows the group's plan, then we are successful. Teams work when everyone acts together and tries hard to do the right thing.

Whenever you are with a group of people, look around and figure out what other people are doing. In a classroom, pay attention to the rules and follow them. Much like Sean the Sheep, pay attention and learn the moves, and try your hardest to follow them. Then, when your class does an activity, your whole class will SHINE and be amazing! Then everyone will feel happy. :)


See you next week with another fun lesson or activity!

Love, Mrs. O'Hearn

Monday, April 13, 2020

The Upper Valley Haven
Is stocked and available as another resource for food!
Here are the details:
The Haven Food Shelf provides healthy groceries, including unlimited access to bread and produce to anyone in need. Anyone can come to the Haven and receive groceries. You can also ask someone else to come and get groceries for you. Just tell them your name.

Address: 713 Hartford Ave White River Junction Vermont

Phone: 802-295-6500

Open Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-3pm


Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Counselor's Corner:

"1:1 Remote Guidance Services"

This week and next, I will be reaching out to families who have children who received individual or group guidance services with me. Continued guidance counseling is available through me at this time. Maybe it will be a hand-written letter, maybe a telephone call or video-conferencing. We will figure it out!

If you, or your teacher, is concerned about your child, please reach out to me. I am here to help. Some things I can help with are:

  • Getting more resources like food
  • Parenting questions, and/or your need for extra emotional support
  • Questions and concerns you have about your child
  • If your child seems to need extra emotional support
  • Help dealing with outside agencies
  • Problems with your child’s learning and you feel you have no one else to talk to
  • Financial needs/concerns getting and keeping food, clothing, shelter
  • Etc. ! Maybe you need something and need help figuring out where to get it….

To contact me, call school at 802-333-4668 (Westshire Elementary School), or 802-333-9755 (Samuel Morey School) or email me at

Ann O’Hearn
Elementary School Counselor 

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Local Food Pantry Grocery Shopping:

Listen Community Services
Upper Connecticut River Valley of VT and NH
60 Hanover Street
Lebanon, NH 03766
Pantry hours: M, W, F 10am-12:30pm
T, TH 1pm-3:30pm
*Proof of income required

Upper Valley Haven
745 Hartford Avenue
WRJ, VT 00500
Hours: M-F 8am-4pm

Bradford Churches Food Shelf
Academy Building 172 N. Main Street
Bradford, VT 05033
Pantry Hours: M-TH 3-4pm, F 11-Noon
*Serves Orange County

West Fairlee
870 VT Rt 113
West Fairlee, VT 05083
Pantry hours: W 3pm-6pm
*phone if emergency
*serving W.Fairlee, E. Corinth, Vershire, Strafford

Thetford Center VT Food Pantries
3910 Rt 113
Thetford Ctr, VT 05075
Call ahead and let them know what you need
*serves Orange counties/ Thetford Communities

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Counselor’s Corner
“YOU: Self-Care”

On an airplane, you are always told to put on your own oxygen mask first. It’s the same way in life, you need to take good care of your health first. If you are not well, happy and healthy, you cannot make anyone else well, happy and healthy. During this time of increased stress, children need our support, but the best way to help is to take good care of yourself. They will see you and feel comforted, and they also will follow your lead.

I recently read an article written by licensed social worker David Melnick, of the Northeastern Family Institute of Vermont* (2020). In the article, he offers some ways "to control your sense of panic and anxiety" when dealing with life during the COVID outbreak/pandemic. I would like to share some of his ideas with you:

·        Maintain social connection. There needs to be "physical distancing, but not social distancing", he writes. He suggests you keep in contact with those you are close to through conversations, brief check-ins, letters, etc., adding, "let people know they matter to you and that you are thinking about them." Maybe this also happens through your work. I think short professional check-in’s are helpful to your mental health.
·        Get good exercise and sleep. If you had trouble sleeping, make up for it with a nap.
·        “Short moments of action, many times a day” Melnick advises. Do calming movement activities to regulate yourself. The best calming activities use your body, are repetitive and movement oriented. Do a movement activity every day, such as walking, dancing, yoga, martial arts, deep breathing, singing,sports, etc. "Short bursts of these activities will prevent the build-up of stress," he writes, "even 5 minutes every hour."
·        Make up some structure and routine for yourself. "This gives you control and predictability" he says. In a time where so much is unknown, "you can control what you do and how you approach your day".       
 Set limits on what you do each day. Do not feel guilty. You come first, and you can’t work without rest and play.
·        Perform acts of empathy and compassion. We teach this at school. You can think about how others might be feeling, especially the most vulnerable such as elderly and those with chronic health conditions. Make a donation to charity, or maybe say a prayer for others. Keep it simple!

Taking good care of yourself is an important thing to think about. We can't be available to support our kids if we aren't taking care of ourselves first.

*NFI VT COVID-19 Well-Being Ideas (Melnick)

Mrs. Ann O’Hearn
School Counselor

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