Thursday, April 2, 2020

Local Food Pantry Grocery Shopping:

Listen Community Services
Upper Connecticut River Valley of VT and NH
60 Hanover Street
Lebanon, NH 03766
Pantry hours: M, W, F 10am-12:30pm
T, TH 1pm-3:30pm
*Proof of income required

Upper Valley Haven
745 Hartford Avenue
WRJ, VT 00500
Hours: M-F 8am-4pm

Bradford Churches Food Shelf
Academy Building 172 N. Main Street
Bradford, VT 05033
Pantry Hours: M-TH 3-4pm, F 11-Noon
*Serves Orange County

West Fairlee
870 VT Rt 113
West Fairlee, VT 05083
Pantry hours: W 3pm-6pm
*phone if emergency
*serving W.Fairlee, E. Corinth, Vershire, Strafford

Thetford Center VT Food Pantries
3910 Rt 113
Thetford Ctr, VT 05075
Call ahead and let them know what you need
*serves Orange counties/ Thetford Communities

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